About Lymphoedema > Where do I go for help?
Where do I go for help?Where do I go for help?If you have had treatment for cancer, your surgeon may refer you to a Lymphoedema Therapist. Your breast care nurse and/ or Cancer Liaison Nurse can refer you to a Lymphoedema Therapist too. A list of Lymphoedema Therapists is available on the website. Lymphoedema Support Groups Your local Division of the Cancer Society can give you the contact details of the nearest Lymphoedema Support Group. If you subscribe to the support group you may get a newsletter. Some lymphoedema support groups sell handbooks on lymphoedema management. Contacts for lymphoedema networks include: Auckland Lymphoedema Support Network, Contact 021 088 68351 or email info@lymphoedema.org.nz Lymphoedema Association of Australia Handbooks and Books There are some excellent handbooks on lymphoedema. Some may be available from the Cancer Society or the lymphoedema support groups. Mason, Michael: